Friday, September 01, 2006

Cheesy Porkchop

Here is a simple porkchop recipe...

Spray the bottom of the pan with cooking spray. Add chopped potatoe and a few slices of onion and a mushroom or two if you have some! I like potatoe and was ever hopeful that my Little Boy might eat some, so I put in 2 potatoes.

Heat 1/2 a can of cheese soup on the stove with 1/2 can of water. You need to heat it up to get it to mix altogether. Pour most of the soup over your potatoes/onion. Put the porkchop on top - add some salt and pepper. Spoon the rest of the soup on top of the porkchop (you should have about 2-3 TBS left over which is perfect for 1 chop). Sprinkle the top of the chop with breadcrumbs, cover everything with tinfoil and put into the oven for 1 hour at 375.

OK - so here are my results for tonight... I didn't have any tinfoil so I used a pan cover that didn't exactly fit. So - the sides dried out a bit - you can see that in the foil (thank goodness for that cooking spray stuff because the pan was still a cinch to clean!). And - I cut the potatoes a tad too big - I should have chopped them just a bit smaller because parts of them still had a tiny tiny bit of a crunch and I like my potatoes cooked. But - it could be because I didn't have tinfoil so things didn't steam like they usually do.

I had some sauteed zuchinni with dinner. Would have been good with some applesauce, but since I just had that thought now and dinner is long over - well, next time! I was hoping to have some salad too, but that never got made today. Looks like salad tomorrow at lunch then because I have lots of lettuce to use up and one of my neighbors gave me some yummy tomatoes.

Obviously - you can easily adjust the amounts for more people.

And, now I have 1/2 can of left-over cheese soup to mix in with some elbow noodles and scrambled hamburger with some chopped tomatoes for lunch tomorrow...
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Jeanne said...
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